MONTHLY Virtual Tasting Events...!

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We reverted, briefly, to 'Zooming' on a monthly basis on the third Sunday of the month at 7.00pm - an attempt to keep everyone interested in between our 'face-to-face' meetings! 

[During the Covid-19 lockdown we filled in with some 60 weekly 'Virtual Tastings' on Sunday evenings using the 'ZOOM' conference software.  At the 2022 AGM Members voted to discontinue these 'Virtual Tastings'.]

These 'Virtual Tastings' have now ended.

Monthly Virtual Tasting #12 14th August 2022 at 7.00pm 'New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc' - led by Bill and hosted by Mike & Claire. Nine of us sought indoor relief from the August heatwave (33C near Warwick...!) and sampled some Sauv Blancs from both New Zealand islands. Verdicts were mixed. Most wines were judged to be "too acidic" although Mike & Claire quite liked The Wine Society's offering ("Settlement Heritage Vineyard Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2021" - £14.50).

Monthly Virtual Tasting #11 19th June 2022 at 7.00pm 'The Oldest Bottle That You Can Find' - led by Peter Vos and hosted by Mike. Five stalwarts turned up for an excellent evening. Lots of successes and lots of disasters. Several bottles, I suspect, ended up down the sink...  Peter and Sioned's 'Platinum Brthday Vintage' was included on the  'Successes' list, Mike's 2006 Beaujolais on the 'Failures' list.😎

Monthly Virtual Tasting #10 15th May 2022 at 7.00pm 'Rioja' - led by Mike & Claire and hosted by Sally. Twelve members joined in to taste and describe seven different Rioja reds and one Rioja white (from Alex). Lots of members' experiences of wine tasting in La Rioja were related and several reminisced of their time and travels on La Gomera in the Canaries.  

Monthly Virtual Tasting #9 10th April 2022 at 7.00pm 'Greek Whites' - led by Peter H and hosted by Sally.  Initially eight of us compared Greek White Wines, Alex joined in towards the end.   Four of us had chosen the same wine, The Society's Santorini Assyrtiko 2020 £14.95/bottle (as originally recommended by Billy & Tina).  It was good to have a virtual comparison of the same wine for the first time!  The two Peters described the wine and the background to its production on the volcanic island of Santorini. The wine was universally recommended and it was agreed that those amongst us who were lucky enough to have extra bottles in our 'cellars' would each keep a bottle earmarked for a SWAS Tasting in a year or two's time 😁

Monthly Virtual Tasting #8 20th March 2022 at 7.00pm 'Greek Reds' - led by Bill and hosted by Sally.  A select bunch of nine Members enjoyed and compared reds from Greece.  Lots of Xinomavro and a near miss (if you ignore Albania) from Puglia from James.   Alex 's £31.95 2007 Goumenissa, a blend of Xinomavro and Negoska grapes , 13.5% abv, was probably the best of the bunch this evening.   It was good to see Dinah again... 😁

Monthly Virtual Tasting #7 20th February 2022 at 7.00pm 'Rhône Wines' - led by Claire & Mike and hosted by Bill (standing in for Sally who was away). The tail-end of Storm 'Eunice' was battering South Warwickshire and Claire & Mike suffered a power cut in their village, just as the Tasting started..! Once normality resumed and power was restored, eleven members were able to enjoy a splendid and varied Tasting and attendant lively discussion.  

Monthly Virtual Tasting #6 16th January 2022 at 7.00pm 'Cabernet Sauvignon' - hosted by David.   Fourteen of us this evening and we welcomed (briefly!) new members Nik & Karen.  A variety of Cab Sauvs, mostly blends, were enjoyed and the evening turned out to be quite lively and was enjoyed by all.  Billy & Tina recommended the Wine Society's Exhibition Santorini Assyrtiko 2020 - this could well be the basis of one of our Summer Tastings this year...!

Monthly Virtual Tasting #5 Sunday 21st November at 7.00pm 'Aussie Shiraz' - hosted by Claire & Mike and attended by nine members on video and James on audio only. (The session was so enjoyable that your editor again forgot to take a screen shot of the participants, sorry ... 😒)

Monthly Virtual Tasting #4 Sunday 17th October at 7.00pm 'Riesling' - Hosted by Peter V and 'attended' by a much happier looking 14 of us.  The gloomy faces of last month had thankfully been banished.  Belated congratulations were expressed to Christopher & Elizabeth for their nuptuals yesterday...! I  think that it is fair to say that most of us found an acceptable bottle of Riesling and some of us were pleasantly surprised with our choices.  

Monthly Virtual Tasting #3 Sunday 19th September at 7.00pm 'Viognier' - Hosted by Peter H and 'attended' by a very gloomy looking nine of us...!  Not a smile to be seen anywhere 😒.  Despite appearences, the evening was enjoyed, virtually everyone found a Viognier that they appreciated and some of us were pleasantly surprised by our choices.

Monthly Virtual Tasting #2 Sunday 15th August at 7.00pm 'Sauvignon Blanc' - The evening was hosted by Bill, the grape choice/theme by Jackie. A select nine of us enjoyed a lively and most entertaining evening comparing our choices of Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire, South Africa and Marlborough NZ. (The session was so enjoyable that your editor forgot to take a screen shot of the participants, sorry ... 😒).

Monthly Virtual Tasting #1 Sunday 18th July 2021 at 7.00pm: 'Malbec' - A great on-line turnout to support & taste wines per David's suggestion this evening.   The hottest day of the year so far didn't stop us enjoying a range of Malbecs from Cahors to Val d'Uro.  The evening's revelation was that Peter Holmes doesn't like Malbec in any shape or form...!  Luckily, most of us didn't share his view 😎

Previous Weekly Virtual Tasting Events...! (Up to 27th June 2021) «------ Click/Select here

Page last updated 14.07.2022

If you would like to find out more about us or to enquire about joining please contact our Secretary, Sally Holmes, at email: